Cogito Ergo Sum

Photography is a fun hobby
I’M WEARING: Varsity Jacket (c/o Aeropostale/ Long Sleeve Top (Rick Owens) / Jeans (H&M) / Sneakers (Diesel) / Necklace (c/o Watch (c/o Nooka)

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Varsity jackets. You see them everywhere don’t you? This version right here is made from synthetic leather, also called pleather, so for all of you in favor of animal rights, there you go. It has the grey hoodie sewn in, keeps you warm and makes for an awesome color combo. I wanted to leave the focus on the jacket, combining it with black jeans and a long Rick Owens T. The accessories complete the looks – plaid printed sneakers, an innovative Nooka what and the necklace. The necklace is from and is handmade from recycled bomb metal – the inscription says ‘I think, therefore I am” with the latin original on the back. Something I live by every second of my life.
Share Your Passion – Marcel 


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