Photography by Lisa Dengler of Just Another Fashion Blog

I’M WEARING: Blazer (H&M) / Sweater (c/o Asos) / Shirt (Hugo Boss) / Boots (Barney’s Coop) / Jeans (H&M) / Watch (c/o Nooka)

I know, I know – I’m resembling a priest, especially after the B&W editing, but even my teacher in real life that day had mentioned it. He’s a funny one. The fact that we shot this outside a church (/church-related building of sorts) didn’t really help that at all….. In any case, b&w combo, a rare sight on me as I do appreciate color a lot, but every now and then I focus exclusively on silhouette and layering, like here, and combine a few layers of black with white accents here and there. I especially liked the all white pocket square against the black blazer. So. Intense.
Share Your Passion – Marcel 


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