Hot & Cold


Photography by Lisa Dengler of Just Another Fashion Blog

I’M WEARING: Jacket (c/o Stone Island) / Sweater (COS Stores) / Shirt (Hugo Boss) / Boots (Common Projects) / Pants (H&M)

Oh the days, when you wake up in the morning, can barely open your eyes, but you manage to open them just enough to glance outside and see the sun. All this energy that comes from the mere idea of being hit by warm sun rays, let’s you start the day so, so much more easily. And as you look forward to the day, and look outside again as you get changed, you feel as though it’s going to be a balmy day: You put on a crisp white shirt, throw over a nice knit sweater (thinking, “it can’t be that warm, but a sweater will do”), wear a darker grey wool pant and your effortlessly elegant Common Projects and step out side. Cold. It’s just so cold. And it happens so often. But, to the rescue comes this amazing piece of sartorial genius in combination with technological advancement: the Stone Island printed camouflage jacket. That’ll keep you warm 😉 !!
Share Your Passion – Marcel 


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