Another year has passed and we’ve almost made it: Festival Season 2018 is about to be upon us. As fun as it is, there’s definitely several things you want to make sure of when you prepare the madness — regardless of whether this is your first time (then this will really help you) or you’re a veteran that might just need a gentle reminder! I’ll be covering 4 topics in partnership with today’s sponsor Uber, the ultimate life-saver when it comes to getting to and from the grounds: best practices & transportation, health products, fashion & accessories, and tech.
Let’s start with a few of the essential do’s and don’t’s:
- Set up a meet up point — and ideally a time that goes with it, that’s the easiest way to reconvene.
- Seek shade whenever you can — the sun WILL slowly but surely drain you.
- HAVE FUN!!! — because that’s why you’re there.
- Take an Uber — because everything else is stressful enough, you wanna ride as comfortably as you can.
Uber has been a presence at festivals for the longest time, and the strides they’ve made in making the process as smooth as possible is astounding. This year they’ll even have Instagram worthy art-work at the pick-up and drop-off locations, along with charging stations!!! With all the walking around and potential consumption of alcohol, it’s just safer and more convenient to be riding with Uber. Just follow the yellow signs and arrows and you’ll get to the Uber zone!
On to the next one: how do you survive? Festivals can be massively exhausting, especially in the summer and the desert, being out in the sun all day, jumping around and walking for miles upon miles, which would already be enough, but then, very likely, most of us are probably also going to party a little bit, so here’s a quick health check list:
- Sunscreen — no matter your complexion, you want to protect yourself at all times.
- Emergen-C — you should take your vitamins daily, but at festivals they’re key to having enough energy.
- Pedialyte — which I swear by when it comes to hydration once I come back to the hotel/ house.
- Tylenol and Blowfish — to help with a potential hang-over you might be dealing with.
Moving on to clothing, which I’d argue is my expertise, this being a fashion blog and all. Let’s take a look at the day-time vs. night-time look:
Day time
- Tank top — to stay cool.
- Ripped Jeans — or shorts, I personally don’t LOVE shorts so I’d rather go with ripped jeans that offer some breathability.
- Sneakers — for comfort, and preferably more affordable ones you don’t mind messing up.
- Bandana — crucial not only from a style stand point, but to keep the dust out of your lungs.
- Hat — any sort of coverage to avoid a sunstroke.
- Shades — because you better believe it’s going to be bright out there.
- Watch — to save your precious cell phone battery and stay on top of all the sets.
- Backpack — for everything else. Make sure it’s light and ideally weather resistant!
Night time
- Denim jacket — or a light sweater, because once the sun is down, so are the temperatures.
- Ripped Jeans — trust that they come in handy now in terms of temperature as well.
- Bandana — doubles as a scarf now, also warmth related.
- Fanny Pack — just for quicker access, this is not so much needed, but can also be a nice point for style.
- Hat — feel free to put that in your backpack, you can wear the bandana around your head if you’re into that.
- Watch — same as before.
- Shades — put away.
- Backpack — same as before, too.
In terms of tech there’s more ‘don’t’s than ‘do’s
- Don’t bring a camera with a detachable lens — they’re not allowed, and you don’t want to leave it at the security.
- Don’t bring a selfie stick — same thing applies.
- Do bring a portable charger — your phone is the gateway to all your friends.
And you better believe that this entire experience starts at outside my house for me, with the Uber to the airport
UBER | Check out here
very nice
Great post! Thank’s for sharing
Thanks for sharing. Both day and night trend in nice. I liked it.
Most festivals are located in places that may be new to you. A good idea is to learn the local culture and ethics before you head out. Most importantly, give in to the experience, and adapt to the environment.
Dein Outfit ist wieder perfekt, besonders angetan hat mir die Jeans Jacke und die Uhr, so wie die Sneaker, die sollte ich mir auch mal leisten, ich denke diese Schuhe gibt es auch in Übergrösse. Kombinieren kann mal Sie auch zu allem und als Übergrössen Schuh Träger sind sie schön flach. Mein Lob auch an den Fotografen. Danke für den tollen Bericht.
Viele Grüße, Peter SchuhXL Schuhe in Übergrößen
Great post! Reading this makes me want to go to a festival even more! Love your style man:)
shri amaranth yatra shapes a vital piece of hindu and is thought to be one of the holiest altars in hindu .
Loved the Way you have written this article The Content is really Amazing and really appreciate the quality of your article
I don’t really go to music festivals but i do like the style. Good work as usual . You inspire me to be creative and put up my own blog as well. Thank you XO
Love your trainers on the last photo!
Good post. Thanks for sharing. Festivals and celebrations make life worth living. These are for not only for males but also for females and they also the fairer gender is more into partying as these flocking to party items portal as cakes, flowers and gifts for bachelorette/spinsters etc. like have depicted their desires.
However, thanks for setting festival type mood.
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