
Suits on Sand

Part two of my little adventure to Coney Island. I had the wonderful pleasure of finally meeting my friend and fellow blogger Matthias Cornilleau!! He’s super nice, well-dressed at all times, and from one of the most beautiful cities in the world – Paris 🙂 …

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Shorts. And a lot of grid. I’m still not super sure how I feel about shorts in general. This is even disregarding my “tan” – or lack thereof. I really like the shorts I’m wearing here, with a medium grid on the outside and the micro-grid on the reverse of the shorts.

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to the rides

Woooo, Coney Island! I gotta level with you – when I first moved to NYC three years ago, I had never heard of Coney Island ever before in my life. Maybe I had seen it in one movie or another, but really, it didn’t stick. So when I then moved out to Brooklyn, half-way to Coney Island I slowly but surely realized that there was something fun to do all the way down on the coast.

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As the temperatures slowly rise, we have got to come up with ways to keep it cool. That wasn’t a good wordplay, I apologize, but the point is still that: not get too hot, whilest still looking put together. I had fun with this fantastic light grey suit from Topman, as you can find it at Nordstrom.

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stand out.

Sometimes you just need a coat with bright orange details to stand out. I fell in love with the coat, the minute I saw it in all its beauty. The piping on the inside is actually olive green, making the coat a perfect match for my rain boots, which also happened to be the ideal gear overall for a rainy NYC.

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Introducing two new pieces to my closet: my custom-made Ray-Ban shades and a casual blazer from Shipley & Halmos. Let’s start with the latter: fantastic floral print, over-dyed for a subdued statement and an unfinished cool feel. Talk about making florals work for a man.

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Peruvian Vibes

With little delay, I have one more thing from Peru for all of you: an editorial with my beautiful girlfriend Lisa and I in Sergio Davila, shot by Jorge Anaya. It was so much fun going through Sergio’s collections and just putting outfits together, two of which we shot together, …

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Raw Green

“Green is the color of balance, harmony and growth.” And isn’t it just beautiful, especially in such a fantastically constructed blazer. The green tie is actually made from raw silk – that means that it is as smooth as you’d expect from “silk”, as it has some bumps, a characteristic of natural, unprocessed silk.

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Don’t Look Down

How fantastic is this rooftop? When I met up with my friend Chris about a week ago, we went up on his rooftop for a couple of minutes to take these photos. I’d been up there before, but it really is just startling that you can see all the big skyscrapers, without so much as moving your feet: …

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