

Photography by Lisa Dengler of Just Another Fashion Blog

I’M WEARING: Blazer (c/o Armani Exchange) / Sweater (c/o Buffalo Jeans) / Watch (c/o Nooka) / Pocket Square (c/o L.B.M. 1911) / Oxfords (Aldo) / Jeans (H&M) / Bracelet (c/o Love Nail Tree)

FINALLY, it is available! I know some of you guys loved this sweater so much, and now it’s finally on sale – for less than $70! Given the occasion I figured I wear and shoot it once again, a nicer way of sharing the news, I felt. I played with the grey elements in the sweater and wore a dark grey blazer no top. It felt very casual, so I wanted to wear jeans of pants, which I then rolled up and wore dark brown socks and cognac wingtip shoes with. It’s a little bit of a color mambo-jambo, with several colors in the sweater, plus the brown tones and the green in the pocket share, but I think it works in a “less careful, more just instantly put together” kind of way, if that makes any sense. Still very much fond of the modern and different Nooka watch, and wore the bent arrow bracelet on the opposite wrist. The season is coming up, so shop, shop, shop! Once December comes around I will have a few give-aways for you, so you can be excited for that also!
Share Your Passion – Marcel 

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