Don’t Look Down

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Photography by Christopher Rao with a Nikon D3x

I’M WEARING: Blazer (Van Heusen) / Waistcoat (Ted Baker) / Shirt (Van Heusen) / Tie (The Tie Bar) / Tie Bar (The Tie Bar) / Watch (Triwa) / Pants (J. Lindeberg) / Shades (Coach) / Oxfords (Aldo)

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Wie bombig ist dieses Dach bitte? Ich hab mich vor circa ner Woche mit meinem Kumpel Chris getroffen und sind dann kurz auf sein Dach hoch um dort oben Bilder zu machen. Es ist nicht so, dass ich davor nicht schonmal da oben war, aber es ist einfach immer wieder auf’s Neue faszinierend, dass man echt alle “wichtigen” Wollkenkratzer von dort asu sehen kann: das Rockefeller Center, das Empire State Building, das Chrysler Building und selbst den neuen Freedom Tower – in einem Wort: atemberaubend. An dem Tag hatte ich mich relativ schick gekleidet, mit einem klaren Statement: pinke Weste. Die Krawatte gefällt mir an sich super, aber was ich besonders cool fand, ist dass die Streifen im Knoten nahezu exakt rechtwinklig zu dem Rest der Streifen sind. Wo ic hauch noch ein bisschen mit Mustern gespielt habe war mit dem Hemd und der Hose, einmal kleines Karo und einmal das Große, dennoch ist das nicht so auffällig, weil die uni-farbene Weste die zwei Muster visuell trennt.

How fantastic is this rooftop? When I met up with my friend Chris about a week ago, we went up on his rooftop for a couple of minutes to take these photos. I’d been up there before, but it really is just startling that you can see all the big skyscrapers, without so much as moving your feet: the Rockefeller Center, the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building and even the new Freedom Tower – in one word: breathtaking. I was wearing a fairly dapper suit combo with the waistcoat as an indisputably strong statement in the outfit. I love the tie, and how the stripes of the knot hit the rest of the tie almost perfectly perpendicular. Another play with pattern is the smaller window check of the shirt on the larger scale one of the pants, which isn’t as prevalent though, due to the solid waistcoat, which visually separates the patterns.



  • Ray Frensham says:

    Totally love that pocket handkerchief – and especially the way it blends with the waistcoat/vest.

    • Marcel Dominik Floruss says:

      Ray, I am not lying when I say that I actually thought of you when I posted this 🙂 Especially once I remembered that I forgot to tag it in the credits 😉 It’s once again from Lubiam, I think you would love all of their options!

      Cheers, Marcel

  • Kirvy Ramos says:

    Hello. Thank for inspiring me with what you’re doing. Keep inspiring us! You’re the best! This is Kirvy from the Philippines.

    • Marcel Dominik Floruss says:

      Hi Kirvy, thanks so much for your kind words! I also got your Faceboook message – it really means a lot!

      Thank you for the support!



  • Ray Frensham says:

    That’s my problem Marcel – I try to access Lubiam’s site (it was a long time ago)… as I recall it had certain items but not the particular items you wore (which I was looking for)…….. same problem I had with Van Heusen, if I recall. [More power to your links!]

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