Buffalo Bill

Photography by Lisa Dengler of Just Another Fashion Blog
I’m Wearing:

Varsity Jacket (c/o Buffalo Jeans)
Cardigan (c/o Buffalo Jeans)
T-Shirt (Topman)

Jeans (H&M)
 Sneakers (New Balance)
Shades (Ray Ban)

Watch (c/o TKO Watches)

Varsity jackets – how dope are they?! I got this one from Buffalo David Bitton, who did a fantastic job on this piece. I didn’t want to wear it too simple, so I layered a cardigan in-between the jacket and the tie-dye tee. Ripped denim, colorful sneakers and cool black shades – done. Next time you might consider wearing a varsity jacket with a cardigan!?


Ich stehe einfach immer noch total auf College Jacken. Die hier von Buffalo Jeans ist ein idealer Grund sie zu lieben. Um die Geschichte nicht zu einfach zu machen, habe ich einen Cardigan unter die Jacke angezogen, deren blaue Nähte optimal zu Jacke, so wie dem Batik-T-Shirt passen. Zerrissene Jeans, farbenfrohe Sneakers und ne coole schwarze Sonnenbrille – fertig. Wenn ihr das nächste Mal eure College-Jacke anzieht, dann vielleicht mit nem Cardigan drunter!?

Share Your Passion – Marcel


  • The Michael Jackson varsity jacket is a timeless piece of style that has been popular for decades. Inspired by the King of pop, this jacket is a must-have for any fan of Michael Jackson. No matter how you choose to style it, a Michael Jackson varsity jacket is sure to turn heads.

  • As the NFL season heats up, fans across the country get ready to support their teams, showing their pride through various merchandise. One team with a particularly passionate fan base is the Buffalo Bills. Known for their hard-working mentality and strong sense of community, the Bills have created a culture that extends beyond the football field. One of the most popular ways for fans to express their loyalty is by wearing Buffalo Bills jacket, with leather jackets standing out as a top choice that combines durability with timeless style.

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